You’ve found the perfect home. It has enough space for your family, a great backyard, it’s in an amazing school district, 甚至还有一个额外的浴室——因为你的配偶总是不停地占用你的浴室. 但有一个缺点: 你需要先卖掉你现在的房子,然后才能买. 
If you must sell your current home first, 当你准备买房的时候,你梦想中的房子可能已经不在市场上出售了. If you buy your dream home before selling your current home, you may be making two mortgage payments each month. What do you do? 如果你和大多数人一样,你可能不希望有两次抵押贷款支付. 这就是 a bridge loan from Arbor Financial Credit Union could make sense for you. 

What is a bridge loan? 

过桥贷款是一种期限长达12个月且只付利息的抵押贷款. 我们的过桥贷款旨在帮助未来的购房者,没有现金储蓄的首付款,但希望进入新家园迅速. 过桥贷款可以让你用现有房屋的净值作为下一套房屋的首付款. 
Market conditions have created a need for bridge loans. 可供出售的房屋很少,而那些可供出售的房屋卖得很快. 许多买家错过了机会,因为他们没有流动资产. 利用你家里的股权可能是一个完美的解决方案. 

How does a bridge loan work? 

首先,我们会对你现在的房子进行估价以确定你财产的价值. With a bridge loan, you can borrow up to 80% of your home’s equity, referred to as loan-to-value ratio, 或LTV. 权益是通过使用评估值减去任何当前抵押贷款或HELOC余额来计算的. 然后,你只需支付抵押贷款的利息,这使你的付款低而可控. Arbor Financial even has a 90-day no pay options*! The goal is to sell your home within a year, and when you do make the sale, the bridge loan is paid off. 

What are the benefits of a bridge loan? 

过桥贷款最大的好处是你可以把你的房子放到市场上,购买的限制更少. 你将能够在没有任何意外的情况下为你的梦想家园提供报价. 这样你的offer被接受的几率会大得多. 
With a bridge loan, 你可以避免昂贵的私人抵押贷款保险,当你有20%的首付为你的新购买. 另外, 在某些特殊情况下,你可以将当前的抵押贷款打包成过桥贷款,以帮助降低债务与收入的比率, allowing you to qualify for a new mortgage. 例如,假设你的第一笔抵押贷款欠了2万美元,你的月供是2000美元. You could finance the $20,000加上你想拿出的首付款,然后把它包进过桥贷款, making one low, interest-only payment, therefore keeping your debt-to-income ratio low. 

Where do you start? 

第一步,看看如果一个过桥贷款是正确的,你是通过联系一个Arbor金融公司 mortgage specialists. Your financial needs may vary, 但一位经验丰富、友好的抵押贷款专家可以帮助指导你充分利用你的住房贷款. Call us at 269.544.3105, 在线申请, or schedule an appointment to get started today. 

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*符合条件的借款人可能有资格将首次付款推迟至多90天, dependent upon credit score and when the loan closes. 利息从贷款发放之日起计算,并在过桥贷款结清时收取.

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